Creating a New Project

1. Navigate to the Project tab.

2. Click the 'New Project' button. Then choose from "blank project, template, or past project". 

3. Enter the project name, jurisdiction, and code year. Click the 'Next' button.

4. Next, you can enter a description of your project and the building information. If you have entered information, you can then select "Create Project". If you did not add any information, you can select "Skip."



5. Lastly, you can decide on the project's visibility. If you decide to make the project visible, you can also share it with team members. To do so, enter their email addresses into the "invite others" box. Once that has been completed, please select "Create Project."

6. Your active project is displayed in the upper left navigation. Any bookmarks, comments, or code analysis will be done within the active project.