We're really sorry you're leaving, but here's how to cancel your UpCodes subscription and other options you might also want to consider.
Note: If you're on an Enterprise plan and would like to cancel or downgrade your subscription, reach out to us at [email protected].
UpCodes cancellation policy
UpCodes allows paid users to cancel their paid plan at any time, with such cancellation taking effect at the next renewal date.
If you cancel your plan before the next renewal cycle, you will retain access to paid features until the end of your subscription period. When your subscription expires, you will lose access to paid features.
Your ability to downgrade, modify, or cancel your plan is subject to our Terms of Service or the applicable subscription agreement separately entered into by the parties.
You can find more information in our Terms of Service.
Note: If you require your UpCodes subscription to be canceled immediately, please contact us at [email protected].
Canceling your UpCodes subscription
How do I cancel my subscription?
Only account owners are allowed to cancel their subscriptions.
It's easy to cancel your subscription. To cancel a paid plan, log in to the UpCodes account you wish to cancel, click the bubble with your initials from the right of the top bar, select Billing, and then select Cancel Account.
After canceling your subscription, we kindly ask you about the reasons for canceling. We strive to build a product that our users love, and we appreciate your feedback. If you run into any issues with cancellation, please reach out to [email protected].
How do I cancel my two-week free trial?
To cancel a trial that has started, follow the same steps for paid tiers above, but click Cancel trial. You can cancel at any time during the 2-week trial period. If you cancel on or before your trial expiration date, your account will not be charged.
Note: Canceling your trial will result in the trial expiring on its renewal date so that you won't be charged, but you will still have access to paid features for the duration of the trial period. If you require a trial to be removed immediately, please contact us at [email protected].
Downgrading your UpCodes plan
Only account owners are allowed to update their subscriptions and downgrade.
If you're on a Professional plan and would like to downgrade your subscription, follow these steps:
Login to the UpCodes account you wish to downgrade
Click the bubble with your initials from the right of the top bar
Select Billing
Click on "View Plans" next to the name of your current plan
Click on the button "Downgrade to Essentia.ls"