This feature is only available to users with active UpCodes Essentials, Professional, and Enterprise subscriptions.

Here's a guide on how to upload a pre-populated CSV file to effortlessly import design information into the Code Calculator. 

You can include the following design information in the CSV file:

  • Story

  • Story height

  • Space name

  • Occupancy

  • Function of space

  • Gross area (ft2)

  • Net area (ft2)

  • Exit(s) from the space, or the subsequent egress component that is along the exit path from the space. This could be another space, a corridor, or a stair.

Tip: You can upload schedules exported from any BIM software, as long as the formatting of the CSV file matches that of a CSV file exported from AutoDesk Revit, as described below.

Downloading a schedule from Revit

Option 1: Download a CSV file directly from Revit

Create an area or room schedule containing some or all of the project design information described in the section above.

Click here to see how to create a schedule in Revit

You can follow the steps below to download a schedule as a CSV or Excel file. 

Click here to see more on Revit’s documentation.

Steps to export a schedule in Revit:

  1. Open a schedule view.

  2. Click File tab > Export > Reports > Schedule.

  3. In the Export Schedule dialog, specify a name and directory for the schedule, and click Save.
    The Export Schedule dialog appears.

  4. Under Schedule appearance, select export options:

    • Export column headers: specifies whether Revit column headers export.

      • One row: only the bottom column header exports.

      • Multiple rows, as formatted: all column headers export, including grouped column header cells.

    • Export group headers, footers, and blank lines: specifies whether sort group header rows, footers, and blank lines export.

  5. Under Output options, specify how you want to display the data in the output file:

    • Field delimiter: specifies whether fields in the output file are separated by tabs, spaces, commas, or semi-colons.

    • Text qualifier: specifies whether the text in each field of the output file should be enclosed by a single or double quote, or no annotation.

  6. Click OK.

This content was taken from AutoDesk documentation on Revit and is being used under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Option 2: Use the UpCodes dynamo script

UpCodes Revit CSV export The dynamo script can be run from Dynamo or the Dynamo player. 

You can specify a few inputs to ensure the correct data is being exported.

  • Categories: This input allows you to select the spaces that are exported. This should be either “Rooms” or “Areas”

  • Directory Path: This is the directory that the CSV file will be exported to

  • File Name: You can change the file name of the exported file here

  • Include Occupants Egress To: We attempt to export exit information based on the “FromRoom” and “ToRoom” parameters of the doors that are tied to a space. NOTE: This is just to help get you started since we aren’t able to determine which spaces are part of the means of egress. You can toggle this to False, not to export this information.

  • Include Story Height: We try to guess the height of the levels by finding the level the space is on and getting the distance to the next level. It’s possible that this isn’t always accurate if you have intermediate levels, so you can turn this off here and input those values manually in the CSV or UpCodes.

  • Include Occupancy: By default, we export the “Occupancy” parameter of the space, but if you don’t have those filled in or don’t want to export them, you can toggle this to False.

After updating the Inputs to suit your needs, you can click the Run button in order to export the CSV file. This will export the file to the location you specified that you can use to import into the UpCodes calculators.

See AutoDesk documentation for further details on how to run a dynamo script

Importing a schedule into the UpCodes Code Calculator 

 Confirm that the CSV file you’ve created includes, at minimum, the design information below:

  • Story

  • Space name
     UpCodes automatically identifies egress components such as Corridors, Stairs and Exits based on the names of those spaces. Make sure that each of these spaces has a distinct name and designation (Stair A, Corridor 101, etc.) to make them easy to identify.

After you’ve verified the data and the formatting of the CSV file, upload the file to UpCodes by following the steps below:

  1. Open the project in UpCodes

  2. Navigate to Code Calculators > Inputs > Height / Areas

  3. Click on “Upload CSV” at the top of the screen

  1. Click ‘I have my CSV file’

  1. Upload your CSV file

Click on the gray box or drag and drop your room schedule into the box and click “Import”.

  1. Match the headers

Match the calculator fields to the header of the columns in your CSV or Excel file.

  1. Click Finish

Importing a schedule to a Calculator with existing inputs

If you have already entered design information into the Code Calculator and would like to update it with the information in a CSV file, there are 2 options:

  • Option 1: Duplicate project and overwrite building composition

This option will allow you to duplicate the open project. Follow the instructions to duplicate the project and repeat the steps described under ‘Importing schedules into the UpCodes Code Calculator’ above.

  • Option 2: Overwrite current building composition

This option overwrites the design data in the current project with the information included in the schedule you import. Click on ‘Overwrite current inputs’, and follow the instructions on the screen.